Muffin: A Gift from Above: We Will Never Forget YOU!

Muffin: A Gift from Above: We Will Never Forget YOU!


A Gift from Above

January 2005 to July 3rd, 2024

Remarkable Cat! 

A story that has to be told! if you have some tissues you might want to grab them now!
Way back in 1999, my husband Jon and I, resuced two little kittens. Two litte sisters,  only a few weeks old, we named Cuvee and Carmen. We loved them dearly, along with our cat, Lucky and our three dogs, Thelma, Louise and Guiness. We lived in our first house in East Point, Georgia, with all our pets and all was well. Carmen and Cuvee, were two black and white short haired, tuxedo style cats. They liked to go outside but we always got them in every night. One night, I was not feeling very well and went to bed early. It was sometime in August 2004. We had a normal process of making sure the dogs had been out and all the cats were in before retiring for the night. For some reason, Carmen, was missed this very night. I was fast asleep when I woke up in the middle of the night to find all three dogs asleep in the dining room which I did think was unusual. I wandered around the house, half asleep but never noticed Carmen was not in. My alarm clock went off a few hours later, I got up and let the dogs out. They ran out the back door at lightning speed and immediately started barking at the back gate. Both my husband and I went outside to see what was going on. That’s when we saw her, our little Carme was on the grass just beyond the gate. She was lying there as still as could be. We put the dogs inside and opened the gate. As we approacied an errey feeling set it, we could see Carmen was dead. She was lying in the grass underneath our neighbors window, and it was clear she had been dead for a sometime.
Carmen was only five years old and now she was gone. We stood there motionless in tears.

On the night of Carmen’s death, I had a profound dream. A dream I still remember twenty years later. I heard deep in my sleep, foot steps as clear as day coming into the room from the back of the house. Then, there was another set, and another and another. It seemed like a full marching band heading into my bed room. With the marching feet, I heard singing,  a high pitched sound I had never heard before. It was a glorious sound. I remember feeling all the Angels on Earth were in my room. It woke me right up. I then proceeded to walk the house still half asleep looking for this sound only to crash back in the bed a few minutes later. A few hours later, at 7:00am at the back gate, we understood it all. God had been there after all! Our hearts were broken even further when we found out what happened to Carmen a few days later. It was very unfair, when we saw the holes in her side.  In the months to come, we became very protective of Cuvee and our other animals. In the midst of it all, I was reminded of that dream and I just knew somehow that if God could make it right he would! Of course, Let IT be by the Beatles is on the radio right now as I write this
“There will be Answer”.

Only six months later, in March 2005, I was working at the College of Education, at Georgia State University in downtown Atlanta. One morning Mark our great Purchasing Manager called me. He siad “there is a little kitten down in the lobby running around, I need your help”. Mark knew I had pets and I loved animals. By the time, I got to him, Mark already had the tiny little kitten in a closed brown box. He asked me if I could take it. I agreed but knew my husband, Jon, would probably say we have enough animals. I parked my car underneath the building and took the little black and white kitten home. We kept her in our room upstairs until our other animals got used to her. I then, tried to find her a home with some of my neighbors all the while hoping she could just stay with us. We named her Muffin. 

After trying to find a home for Muffin for months, I had to ask Jon one day “can we just keep her”? She is adoreable and the more she grew I stared at her. Muffin was the spitting image of Carmen. She was a beautiful black and white short haired tuxedo cat just like Carmen. She even had the same little white spot of hair just over her two eyes exactly like Carmen. I was shocked. Once I saw the resemblance, I cried. I just knew through the tragedy of loosing Carmen in such an awful way, God and the Angels had sent us Muffin, alone running around the lobby of the College of Education in downtown Atlanta. A little kitten that was more than likely born in the rainway tunnels just beside the College.

God was true to form.

Muffin was the most amazing little kitty who brought joy and love to our lives
for nineteen and a half amazing years!
The oldest Cat that ever lived with us
from March 2005 until last night, Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024.
All of her life, she examplified strength. She liked to go outside and come back inside every evening. She lived in no less than six (6) different locations with us. She loved to roll in the soil outside our house in College Park, giving us countless hours of joy watching her but it wasn’t until she found the sand in Florida that we really laughed. Muffin would tear it up in the sand, throwing sand everywhere. The vet in Florida in 2019, even said she had the blood work of a much younger cat. At this time Muffin was almost fourteen (14) years old. She continued to swat all the male cats keeping them in line, show love to the dogs and march through the house like a champ, only ever needing us when she once got caught in a drain during a storm in Florida!  As the years rolled by, Muffin decided it was always a good idea to sleep with her mam and dad, moving from one person to the other depending on who was the warmest. She never left my side during meditation often sitting comfortably on the chair you see her on now and had a very predictable eating schedule. Right up until a few days ago, she continued to eat although by now rather thin, she started to walk all around the garden and wanted to sleep under the car.
She passed away peacefully in the sun room, after having a stroll outside that day but not eating much. Jon pressed water to her lips as Sean and I said goodbye via video. I felt Archangel Michael in the background and saw our beloved dog Louise sit with Muffin. They had an amazing cat and dog bond sleeping on the same dog bed until Louise sadly passed away in the same month eight years ago. I was in tears just knowing that even cat and dog bonds cannot be broken!

Thank you so much Muffin!

Thank you Louise for coming to get your best friend!

Thank you God for sending us Muffin!
We will never forget YOU!

Carmen was found in August 2005 with what was believed to be bee bee gun holes in her side presunably shot by someone.

God made it right by sending us Muffin!

What animal has God sent you today?

Sometimes God sends you Four Legged Angels! 

For More information on Yvonne O’Brien, please visit us at

Have a wonderful Summer!

Be Well Everyone!

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