Yvonne O’Brien is a psychic medium which is a person who is both a psychic and a medium. A psychic provides information intuitively and from reading a person’s aura or energy field around them. A medium contacts those that have passed over whether loved ones, friends, relatives, animals or even our guardian angels, archangels or other angelic realm figures. As a medium Yvonne is Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clair cognizant and Clairaudient. In other words, Yvonne, sees spirit, feels spirit, knows spirit and hears spirit.
Yvonne also uses telepathy to communicate with animals and with living people who cannot speak and/or communicate with us. She acknowledges the presence of ghosts and does house healings to allow souls that are caught to freely pass over.
Yvonne has taken many courses in spiritual development. To highlight a few, Yvonne successfully completed:
• The Intuitive Development 12 month Program at the Horizon Center for Intuitive Awareness in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, in 2006.
- The Advanced Healing 9 month Program at the Horizon Center for Intuitive Awareness in Atlanta, Georgia, USA in 2007.
- A Year Long Mediumship Development Class with Irish Medium, Mona Deans McCurdy in Dublin Ireland from July 2017 to June 2018.
- An Intensive Mentor ship Program with International renowned Medium, Teacher and Author, British Medium, Lisa Williams in New York in November 2019.
Yvonne has attended numerous other workshops on meditation, healing and remote viewing and continues to invest in her spiritual well being.