Signs from Above
Signs from Above

Signs from Above

Hello Everybody,

I wrote the below true life story and posted it on Facebook on August 13th, 2015 – 13 days after our cat disappeared. This is our beloved Gravy.

It will help us understand things we neither can control or are meant to change or interfere with. I quote a favorite line in a Movie I continue to adore;

Lives are taken from this world for seemingly no reason,
it is all part of the mystery of the box we wish we would see into but cannot
the pain will go and in time get replaced by the wonderful memories you had together”
Angel in the House.

Signs you should always pay attention to…..that are messages from angels trying to warn you or prepare you for something and of course to help. Important please read all! It will have meaning!

My top five with Gravy, our missing cat.

1. An unusual amount of attention: About one week prior to Gravy, going missing, I started to give Gravy an unusual amount of attention. I caught myself staring at her and slowly petting her, like this was important. It’s just a feeling you will get. Everything will slow down around the important person or animal. It is like time gets slower as you are with them. You won’t be able to shake it. Its just there.

2. Your loved ones on the other side will be reaching out: 3 days before Gravy disappeared, I started to think about my beloved cat, Cuvee who passed in February like it was just yesterday again. I wept and cried bitterly like I was reliving the death all over again. Even on our holiday, her song for me came on and I haven’t heard it on the radio in months. A sure sign something is coming.

3. Your loved ones on the other side will send you a clear message: Also 3 days prior, I get a clear message to walk over to the Phoenix & Dragon Bookstore. It will be an overwhelming pull to go to the place. You don’t know why but you have to go. When I walked in the door, I was immediately drawn to the sign on the door about their cats. Then, I walked in and my attention was taken again straight to the corner. There on the window was a print out of a poster saying CAT FOUND. But this was not any old cat, (just a saying). This cat was literally the double of my deceased cat, Cuvee. I didn’t understand it at the time, I just started crying by her overwhelming presence. “Why was Cuvee in a CAT Found poster”? 3 days later Gravy was missing and the posters are up.

4. Your awareness will be drawn to certain things. 2 days prior to Gravy missing, I was drawn to hold and hold allot the cat harness that neither of our cats would keep on. I stood there in the bedroom went to the drawer and held onto it.

5. The day of the event will be strange, or like no other. If you are in some ways, not meant to change the event, you will be shifted away from the site of the event and out of your normal routine. On Saturday, August 1st, I had work during the day and I spent the rest of the day out shopping for back to school stuff. I am not a shopper but on this day I was given the overwhelming feeling that I had to do it today. Partially, this could also be my soul knowing something was coming fast and I didn’t want to deal with it. Normally I would have been there. Therefore, there is something for me to learn from this. We will call it a “Faithed Incidence” but not an ending because that same week I cried in glee as a piece of potential wreckage from Malaysia Airlines 370 was found on none other than “Reunion Island” and I was in shock. Many of you may know my connection to the souls of MH 370.

Soon we will be reunited….until then……..Sleep tight…Gravy, Thanks to everyone for their healing thoughts and visions of Gravy….with gratitude, Yvonne O’Brien

One Response to Signs from Above

  1. Yvonne says:

    Thank you Dolly,

    I really appreciate your email.

    All the very best,


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