Sprite “Our Fairy” Cat

Sprite “Our Fairy” Cat

September 25th, 2017

Hello Everyone, I have to be honest, it has taken me five months to get the courage to write this post. In the photo below the bigger cat to the left is Sprite, he disappeared in the first week of April when my husband Jon and children were in Florida and I was in Ireland. He was one of the most handsome cats we ever had and loved life every second and moment of it, even people who were afraid or had opinions of cats, once they saw Sprite, they asked where did you get him? We had Sprite (who my children named meaning Elf or Fairy) for only one year, from kitten to one year old. Always, when I have an animal go missing, I feel for everyone in the same position and understandably receive more requests on how to find missing animals. These are my thoughts on what transpired leading up to Sprite’s disappearance to help people understand it is out of their hands:
When a major event is Faithed:

Sprite is the third cat that we have lost due to disappearance and yes you would think we would learn our lesson but believe me, we were not allowed to interfere: These can also be applied to a person’s untimely departure etc.

a) Days leading up to the animal leaving unusual things will start to happen that take you out of the decision making process: Our normal pet sitter had to cancel with us unexpectedly and we only found someone at the very last minute, who did not know our animals or their routine.
I had a very uneasy feeling but I could do nothing about it. I even wrote all the directions down and texted them too. I became overly worried, unusually worried……….

b) A similar situation: Two years earlier, we lost our first cat in a mysterious way called Gravy. I started to all of a sudden think about Gravy, how soft she was, how she disappeared from the porch one summer’s day never to be seen again. I saw myself petting Gravy and kept hearing Saint Francis. Then, I heard the song that Gravy sent me in the dream with her in it letting me know she was in heaven, over and over and over again. It was Modest Mouse, “We”ll all float on” The words that kept coming like a time bomb inside my head “don’t you worry, we’ll all float on, and we’ll all float on again, and we’ll all float on”.

c) You will be pushed out of the way: At one point I was going to Florida and then Ireland and the push was very hard, I kept feeling you have to go, it’s your mom’s birthday etc. Even if I got delayed one day. No option was given to cancel the trip.

d) Extra Time and Care for them: while I was pushed to go to Ireland instead, I was given an extra day with Sprite by myself. You will notice this animal more and sense a feeling that you need to spend time with them. You won’t know what is going on. The Feeling of appreciation will be there for their spirit and personality. I spent lots of time that day, petting Sprite and just watching him, thinking how beautiful he was inside and out. Sprite also gave me a super amount of unusual attention like he knew too.

e) Your respect for the animal will over power your urge to have them for yourself: Yes, the afternoon, I left, I let Sprite out and I stood there saying, will I, wont I, but he was meowing to get out and he always stayed close. Yes, that decision will haunt me for the rest of my life but his happiness was more important than my need to control his happiness.

You will go out and put up posters, talk to the neighbors, ask for a sign, Facebook everyone, but you will wait to know: The answer WILL COME. Mine was already predetermined and set; Months earlier I had made a note on Good Friday on my calendar “what a very sad day”! I initially thought maybe I will be sad for Jesus on this day…but God had something else in mind. That afternoon, I was meditating preparing for a phone reading, when, I saw this ghost outline of a cat come straight to me and rub me by the side of my face. I smelt the cat and felt that same soft soft fur, I knew it was Sprite and a voice said so sweetly, ” Will you forgive me, I wanted to come back” . Oh my God, I am in tears, I was in bits, I don’t know how I did the reading………….but yes, I got my answer and it was a very sad day”……………….We love you Sprite and talk about you often…………..Love mommy, daddy, Aishling and Sean

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