A Christmas Story Just Right For You!
The Christmas Chest

The attic may be the place for storing things and letting things stand that are soon forgotten. I was reminded this week that however hard it is to say goodbye to someone we love they often leave behind much more. Christmas time or the Holidays can be particularly hard as we think about celebrating the festivities without our Mother, Father, Grandmother, Grandfather, Brother, Sister, dear friend or beloved pet! That table setting we can no longer set for them or the photo’s they are no longer in. This is the story about the Christmas Chest!
Two days ago in a reading, a lady appeared on the left hand side of the room and brought to my Attention a beautiful Fur Coat! She made it abundantly clear that she could not afford a fur coat but wanted it! It was, after all, the 1960’s and not the modern age of the faux fur! I didn’t really understand the meaning of her statement until this morning. I was driving in my car, when a young man started talking on the radio. He spoke of life being very hard without his mother, how hard it was to go through her things after she died and how he had boxes upon boxes of stuff belonging to his mom tucked away in the attic. His mother was not always a woman he could understand and he wondered why his father was such a mystery! This continued to eat away at his soul until his wife beckoned him to go through his mother’s things in the attic. One day he finally made the commitment. He opened a box that was full of letters, notes and photos, many of which he had never seen before. A beer in hand, he sat down for a long read and one clear white envelope caught his eye! It was as if it shone bright in the clear moon lite sky! Read me! Read me! Read me! Inside was a piece of paper, a letter addressed to his mom. It was from his dad. It talked about believe it or not, a fur coat and the rest is history! The FUR COAT! The young man began to cry as he read the letter and finally understood what had happened all those years ago! The day the young man opened the chest, the letter, was exactly eleven (11) years to the date after his mother passed away.
I finally understood what this kind lady was saying. She needed to jump in when she could to help everyone! If you are missing your loved ones this Christmas time, think about that Christmas Chest you have sitting in that cold and dark place called the Attic. Decide you are going to spend the day with your Mother, Father, Brother or Sister long since passed by opening that Christmas Chest of things they left you! Have a Christmas Eggnog or Hot coco in their honor!
What rekindled memories may you find?
What surprise might be in store for you?
Just don’t let it be eleven (11) years too late!
It’s like opening that white envelope to find the answers to some of your biggest questions,
God does exist!
Just See what Happens?
Where is your Christmas Chest?